Recreational and commercial training to help keep our waterways safe.

Begin a state-based recreational licence course or nationally accredited training course today!


Utilise over 30 years of boat safety training and many more years of boating knowledge. Begin your boating journey the right way!


Whether you’re after a state-based recreational licence or nationally recognised training, we’ve got you covered!


Sailingworld (RTO 91229) has been a local, professional and trusted training provider for over 3 decades.

Training pathways to suit your needs

Sailingworld (RTO 91229) delivers boating safety courses. Please be aware that when booking a boating safety course there are a few different pathways. In Australia, each state has their own boat licence requirements, course and the differences will vary depending upon what state you reside in. These courses are virtually identical, but there are enough differences that you need to enrol into the correct state course of your residency and boating activities.

September 2024: Student Peter onboard the training vessel on Hazelwood mines lake. Peter was obtaining his coxswain qualification to operate the small work vessel as part of his employment.

Choosing the right package

If you are seeking nationally recognised training and/or assessment, Sailingworld offers a variety of training packages to suit your desired outcome. For more information on this, please get in touch with our team.


This nationally recognised training course covers the theory and practical training. It does not contain any type of assessment or qualification.

Cost: $395pp


This nationally recognised training course covers the theory and practical training, plus assessment and issuance of a nationally reocngised qualification.

Cost: $995pp

Training courses

Sailingworld has the capability and accreditation to deliver state-based recreational licence courses, commercial qualifications and nationally recognised training. It’s important to note that the training for state-based recreational licences and accredited training course (for nationally recognised training) are virtually identical, but have slightly different outcomes.

New South Wales Licence Pathway

Photograph shows 3 Sailingworld students at Kurnell, NSW

Sailingworld delivers recreational licence courses on behalf of Transport for NSW for all students 12 years and up. Licence options include the general boat licence and the Personal Watercraft (PWC) licence.

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State-based licence

Victoria Licence Pathway

Photograph shows Victorian marine licence training in Melbourne, Vic.

Sailingworld delivers recreational licence courses on behalf of Transport Safety Victoria. Licence options include the marine (boat) licence and the Personal Watercraft (PWC) endorsement.

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State-based licence

South Australia Licence Pathway

Photograph shows a large boat licence course in Ceduna, SA.

Sailingworld delivers recreational licence courses on behalf of the SA government. The singular licence option (SA Boat Operators Licence) covers both recreational use of a boats and personal watercraft.

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State-based licence

AMSA Qualification Pathway

Photograph shows workplace training for WaterNSW staff.

Sailingworld delivers the Coxswain Grade 3 Near Coastal training and declaration. This is an entry level commercial boating qualification.
Delivered in accordance with the Australian Maritime Safety Authority’s (AMSA) requirements.

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National qualification

ASQA Accredited Training Pathway

Photograph shows our Nationally Recognised Training of students getting formally accredited.

MEM50008 “Carry out Trip Planning and

Preparation”, MEM50009 “Safely Operate a Mechanically Powered Recreational Vessel” and MEM50010 “Respond to Boating Emergencies and Incidents” Available in ‘training only’ and ‘training + assessment’ packages.

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Nationally Recognised Training